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WHOA - I actually did this?

Well....I finally did it folks! I created my very own website and blog. It's a little scary, but hey - that's what being a business owner is all about, right? :-| Before I talk about the business, here is a little bit about me, myself and I:

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to move across country (literally). We had our 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house loaded into a semi-truck, jumped on a plane with our two girls and moved from Western Washington to a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. Although our time in Georgia was short, we made lots of memories like peach pickin' (look at my cute girls below!!), putting our feet in the COLD Atlantic Ocean, seeing the historical sites of Savannah, GA and also walking into the Cameron Indoor Stadium...GO DUKE! - and - made life lasting friendships who turned into our pseudo family. I will be forever grateful of their southern hospitality and love.

Fast forward two years and we are BACK in God's Country - Western Washington. Back to family and local friends. I was, and still am, very thankful for the opportunity to work virtually for a very large risk management company. However, not that long ago (June 2016), I found myself LOATHING getting up and going into work. After discussing with wonderful husband, we decided it was time for me to begin a new journey; becoming a Stay At Home Mom.

Now, this is where the "new Mel" comes in - she may not be sparkly new, but she is totally improved. Being a SAHM gave me the flexibility to do things with my girls that I would NEVER be able to do while still working full time. During the summer, we went to parks, we had mid-week sleepovers, we go to the beach (as pictured above), we SLEPT IN, but most importantly I get to spend the majority of my time with my family!!

However, once school started, it was time for me to get serious about my newfound down time. I do have other hobbies such as reading, crocheting, drinking coffee...but you can only do so much of that during the day before you go bored. out. of. your. mind.

My awesome-sauce parents and I have always kicked around the idea of starting our own business. But ya know, life just gets in the way, DARN IT! So, after living apart from all of our families and local friends for two years, it was time to put our dreams into reality. Hence - The Rusty Bucket.

The dream doesn't technically start there - I owe a lot of this to my husband, Steve. He is truly my biggest fan and supports my dream of doing what I love. He is such a hard working man - works full time, is and always will be an awesome father and is even going to school to become a teacher. I hope he knows how much we appreciate him and how much he is loved by his three girls.

Thank you for stopping by our site and if you haven't done so already, go check out our FB page - that is where most of the action is.

<3 Mel

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